We met with them on Tuesday and had a pretty good lesson with them. Then we went over again on Thursday an had an alright lesson and when we left me and Elder Hurley could tell that something was wrong and that Satan was going to work really hard on Angie those next couple of days. So we started to fast as soon as we went into our apartment for the night. Then we kept her in our prayers all day. We prayed throughout the day. Multiple times together. Then we went to their house again on Thursday and she was freaking out. So were me and Elder Hurley. All day long I was worried about her and when we got in to the house I was even more worried. But we had an amazing lesson with them that night and the best part was that me and Elder Hurley probably only said 10% of what was said that night. The rest was Trymer bearing his testimony about everything. It was awesome. The Spirit was so strong and we were able to help her in so many ways. We felt so much better when we left that night. That was the first time that whole day that I was sure the baptism was going to go through. We knew that it was still going to be hard and that Satan was still going to work on her. We continued to pray the rest of the next day for her as well. Then Friday night we went with our district leader and his companion over so that Elder Asjian could do the baptismal interview. She seemed really happy but was nervous for the interview. But she went in and when she came out she was leaping through the air yelling "I passed!" haha. She is awesome. So she passed and we were able to go through with the baptism the next day. The most amazing baptism I have ever been a part of. Me and Elder Hurley went in the morning to fill the font and get everything ready. We made sure that everything was perfect. We even had an electric kettle going that we were boiling water with and throwing it in the font to make sure that the water was warm and stayed warm. It was quite funny to watch. Trymer came and brought us lunch and did his bumbling magic to make it so that we had as hot of water coming out of the spout as we could. Then people started showing up. It was awesome. It was the most Spirit filled baptism I've had. We had amazing talks and an amazing movie while they were changing. We watched the "Reflections of Christ" DVD. It was awesome. And the best part was after when we were talking to Angie and she said that she didn't recognize the Spirit in the font because she was too nervous but when she walked into the room and that movie was playing she just felt warm inside. That's awesome. She is the most amazing person! I love her. She is going to be an amazing member of the church. She asked me to conduct the meeting. So that was fun. I haven't ever done that before but it was quite the enjoyable experience. Then after the baptism we went out with them and Trymer's family for dinner. That was awesome. They are a hilarious family and we had a lot of fun that night. It really was a great day.
Sad news though... I'm leaving. Transfers came in and im going down to Medicine Hat. A little town south of here. I am really sad to be leaving. I wanted to be here for Christmas and to be able to be here with Angie and Trymer again and to help her with anything and to be here for the new member lessons. I am really sad to be leaving but we knew that it was coming. Friday we got a call from Pres. (you never want one of those) and he asked us to come and meet with him. Apparently some member has been complaining about us. Saying we haven't done any work and that we didn't teach with the Spirit. DIDN'T TEACH WITH THE SPIRIT!!! Who on earth has the guts to say that about missionaries. We are called to have the Spirit with us always! It was just one member and it's really sad to see because everyone else here loved us. We had fast Sunday this last week because they are having Stake conference next week. We got up in both wards and then afterwards there were probably 5 or 10 people in each ward that came up and said how much they loved us and appreciated all that we did for them and their families. And everyone that we told said the person was insane and that we were two of the best missionaries they have had in these wards for a long time. So president had already told us that we were leaving. He can't keep us here with members saying those things about us and then on Sunday we got a call from the assistants saying that we were getting Sisters in this area and to clean our apartment really well. What a slap in the face that is. We worked really hard to get this area going. Not to say anything bad about sisters... but Elders and Sisters are really just different kinds of missionaries. and its sad to see Sisters coming in here. But I know they will do good. I am excited to go down to Medicine Hat and to serve there and do as much there as I can. I will do whatever I am supposed to get done there.
So this week was kind of sad. But all in all one of the best weeks I've had on my mission. At the end of the best transfer I have ever had on my mission with the best companion I have ever had on my mission and to end it all I had the best baptism I have ever had on my mission in which I was able to see the best investigator ever be baptized! I love Angie and Trymer and I hope that they know that! I hope that I helped them in their lives but they will never know how much they helped me in mine.
I love you all and I can't wait to tell you about my first week out of Calgary. I hope it goes well and I hope to thoroughly enjoy my new wards and companion. Thank you all! I love you so much!
Elder Townsend
Angie and Trymer. Best baptism ever.
Joba their cat
Hurley got dear johned... and yes. That is a life size poster of her. haha
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