The exciting thing that happened this week is that last Thursday I hit my 18 month mark. Anyone know what that means?... it means I get to burn some pants! haha. Don't worry mom. I didn't burn any of the expensive pants I have out here. Well. I was going to do it tomorrow because I was going to go on exchanges with Elder Fowler and he turned 18 last transfer and hadn't burned his yet, but Friday night Elder Fowler told me he was getting special transferred up to Calgary so we had to move it up a little bit so we did it this week. It was sweet. We did it in the back yard of the member they live with in Ft Macleod. So yea! I'm 18 months! haha.
Then this last Monday we had Pday which was kind of fun. There wasn't much to do which was kind of sad though. My companion started not to feel so good that night though so we couldn't go out and do stuff that night. Then Tuesday we woke up early and went to zone conference in Lethbridge. That was fun. It was our zone, Lethbridge zone and Medicine Hat zone. So it was fun to see all those missionaries and the training was pretty good too. They are trying to teach us a new way of thinking and teaching during our lessons and it's really confusing. I'm not very good at it yet. But it will come with time. Towards the end my companion's stomach was really acting up so Sis Archibald sent us to the doctor and he put my comp on some drugs that reduce the amount of acid his stomach is producing. I think that's been helping which is good. Then we went back to the church right as the zone conference was ending. Then we drove back here and then it was evening and we had a lesson with Rob. So that meant that we didn't have time to email that day. Then yesterday we went and helped at the museum and we raked more leaves and helped build a couple more walls and then when we were done with that we went over to the library to email and it was closed... I don't know why... so we are emailing today... after weekly planning. So sorry for the mix up.
That is pretty much my week here though. This next week should be short since it's Thursday already. haha. We have a phone call home on Sunday so that should be fun. It will be my last phone call home which will be weird. Thanks for everything though! I love you all so much!
Elder Townsend
Me and Fowler with our pants
Ya... that's all I took pictures of this week...
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