Then we taught Rob Frost again on Friday night. That went really well. We taught lesson 4 which is basically all of the commandments. We throw a couple of them in the other lessons when we can so we didn't have too many left to teach. Then we talked about his baptism and he is still excited and ready to be baptized this Saturday! Woot! So that should be awesome. Then we went over the program for his baptism and who he wanted to give talks and baptize him and stuff. He is having Bro Westrup baptize him. He's the one that introduced him to the church. It was actually really cool. We had dinner with the Westrup's on Sunday and they invited Rob as well and it was their son in laws birthday on so they had a bunch of people over dinner. There was a time when it was just me and Bro Westrup and Rob at the table, my comp was getting more food, and Rob was talking to Bro Westrup about his baptism and then he got a little awkward as he was building up the courage to ask him and then he did and Bro Westrup said he would be honored and then there was kind of an awkward silence and then the conversation just kept going. It was awesome though. It was really cool to see the very spiritual experience between these two guys. Oh Man. I am excited for Rob. It is going to be a great day for him! Then he gets to see an apostle of the Lord the same day because Elder Scott is coming to stake conference here! and Elder Scott wants to meet with all of the investigators and recent converts and recently reactivated members in the stake on Sunday morning at 830. So that should be sweet as well. (we are going to try to sneak in there as well. they cant really say no to missionaries can they? haha)
So this next week should be a good week as well. Tomorrow we are having our interviews with President Archibald and car inspections and then we are going to the pass Thursday and Friday and then we are coming back Friday night for Rob's baptismal interview and then Saturday at eleven is the baptism and then we have Stake Conference at three and six on Saturday and then Sunday at 10 and hopefully 830 and then Monday Elder Scott wants to meet with the missionaries. So the whole mission is going up to Calgary again to hear from him and then they are moving Pday to Tuesday. So eventful. I can't wait. It's going to be awesome.
That is pretty much it from me this week though. Thanks for everything! I love you guys!
Elder Townsend
Cajun fish and baked potato and zuchini (No i did not make this myself. My comp really likes to cook...)
Brighton, Mott, Farnsworth, Shupe and Fowler making waffles after district meetings today. Remember Mott? He was my companion for four days in Cochrane. Now he is my zone leader. weird.
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